xpntvef1szDevotional by: Colonel Dorothy Smith

It had been a very long day. Jesus had been with the priests and ruling Jewish party, those who felt it their right to question and challenge his authority, and as a result of Jesus’ teachings were at that very time: “…assembled in the palace of the high priest  whose name was Caiaphas, and they schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him.” (Mk 14:1) 

But finally, Jesus was among friends for dinner in Bethany. Simon, called the Leper, was hosting him and his disciples when a very controversial thing happened: rather than challenging and scheming against Jesus, a woman did the very opposite.  She brought a jar of expensive perfume made of pure nard and poured it all on his head. No questioning, only anointing.  An impulse of adoration and pure worship of the One worthy of this extravagance. Were you startled at the disciples reaction?  “What a waste!” they cried, “the poor could have used this money – it would have gone a long way to advance your mission Jesus!”
But Jesus knew their hearts and he knew the woman’s heart: “She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you – and you can help them anytime you want. But you will not always have me. Wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.” Today let us remember her. She worshipped with her whole being – her heart, her mind, her treasure. Let us not waste our time, resources, our energy on things that don’t count. Let us worship in Spirit and in Truth.
How is the Holy Spirit equipping you to worship?
Consider your commitment to worship Jesus Christ. Can you write it out in one sentence?
Consider your area of contribution in the Body of Christ. Write out your gifts and how you see yourself using them now and in the future
Are there fears or stumbling blocks that the Holy Spirit needs to overcome for you to fulfill your calling?
Write a prayer of pure worship.


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