Thanks for coming back for another episode of The Prepare Podcast. For today’s episode you might need a pen and a notebook to jot down the wisdom that comes from our guest, Barb Higgins.

Here are a few of my favorite moments:
“Is the body of Christ read to gospelize their conversations
and bring Jesus into everything?”
“Hospitality is a part of intentional discipleship. Invite people in.”
Steps for discipling:
– Prayer
– Have an intentional plan
– Know their stories
“I can bring people, intentionally, into an environment where Christ is centered.”
Enjoy this episode!
y is a part of intentional discipleship. Invite people in.”
Steps for discipling:
– Prayer
– Have an intentional plan
– Know their stories
“I can bring people, intentionally, into an environment where Christ is centered.”
Enjoy this episode!