
Welcome to the movement of Embrace.

The Central Territory Women’s Ministries Department is excited to introduce to you: Embrace. Embrace is a focus group or outreach program option and vision to bring together women in groups of 6-8 within your corps community (and beyond) to encourage purposeful conversations about life and Jesus and to build friendship and sisterhood within the Body of Christ.
Embrace groups are designed to meet once a month, on a day that works best for each group, for up to two hours at a time. The intended format of Embrace is to share a meal together and then engage in guided discussion with provided questions/challenges to help open up the doors of sharing and vulnerability  – creating true sisterhood.
Ideally the groups would take turns hosting in each others homes, intentionally inviting each other into one another’s lives.
Each group should have a designated leader, but hosting locations, ideally, should change monthly.
To lead your own EMBRACE group at your corps (or away at college) sign up to receive monthly questions and supplies. Once you sign up you’ll receive a guide to answer some of the questions you may have, a poster and bulletins to promote Embrace, two jpeg images in case you plan to make a Facebook event invitation and the questions for your first meeting. :
Click HERE to sign up!



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