lightstock_195049_max_user_7263428Hi girls!
One of the first adult moves you’ll make is the decision to leave home.  It’s exciting, it’s scary, it’s unknown, it’s also normal. The experience is yours; so it will feel unique, but many go through it. This decision is our first independent movement towards discovering who we are and who we’ll become.
If I could do college over again, I’d find a Christian community, like an   Embrace: Campus group, to walk with me through this time of life. Because being in a Christian community wasn’t a part of my college experience it took  me years to catch my footing, my vision and figure out who I am and more importantly, who I am in Christ. Having a small group like   Embrace: Campus would have matured and grown me in rich and meaningful ways in my faith.
Our small group community initiative called Embrace was designed to help create a space for women to intentionally experience life together outside of the church walls. When you’re in college you couldn’t be further from the ‘church walls’ you grew up in (if you grew up in the church). This is why we want to introduce to you Embrace: Campus. Campus ministry is nothing new, we’re just joining the party. Embrace is specific to women, women desiring closer friendships, sisterhood and accountability. What makes Embrace: Campus different than Embrace  is that Embrace: Campus includes a Bible Study as well. There are eight sessions to complete during the semester. But you’ll also plan to meet once a month to have the traditional Embrace session, which is where you have discussion about the Embrace monthly theme. So in the span of a semester, your group will meet 12 times. Eight Bible Study sessions and four Embrace sessions (one a month – September, October, November, December). The leader of the group will receive the Embrace discussion questions by email on the first day of the month.
One last bit of advice: If you’re looking for community and friendship, my number one advice for people of all ages is: SHOW UP. Always show up. You’ll notice that the people that have the most significant relationships are the ones that show up. Be brave and show up. And keep showing up.
What you’ll learn about Ruth in this study is that she showed up, she took initiative and she was brave. She was also new. So if you’re new, be brave and keep showing up. All my love and prayers to you.
Sarah Micula
If you’re interested in forming and leading an Embrace: Campus group sign up below. You’ll receive a Leader’s Version of the Eight Session Bible Study on Ruth. In this Leader’s Version there’s instructions for leading and helpful notes throughout to help your group unpack this study. You’ll also receive the Embrace: Campus leaders how-to guide, this includes general instructions, tips and how to’s for leading an Embrace group. You’ll also receive the “Embrace Campus group member version PDF” this will be the document you email to your group for them to print out.

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