IMG_1385Understanding the Enemy
 In the very first verse of Genesis chapter 3 a new character is thrust into the story: the serpent.  From a review of scripture, there is little doubt that the serpent is Satan—the enemy of Jesus and His followers.  Scriptures such as John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 11:3-4; ; Revelations 12:9 or 20:2 all refer back to the Garden of Eden and the presence of Satan as the enemy of all that God had created and declared good.
But Satan is far more than a serpent that would deceive.  He is not only a serpent who deceives.  The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 that he is also “like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  In Revelation 9:11 he is called “Abaddon” and “Apollyon,” which mean “Destroyer.”  “Satan” means “adversary,” which is why he is often referred to as the enemy; and the “devil” which means “slanderer.”  Jesus himself used words such as “the prince of this world,” “the “father of lies,” and “the evil one.”
This is the enemy!  From Genesis to Revelation he is defined as the evil one who is intent on breaking the spirit of followers of Jesus Christ.  He is not satisfied with being the Prince of Darkness; he wants to be king.  In the Garden of Eden the serpent started with a simple offer to Eve and Adam.  Today, he is just as willing to start with you and with me.


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