By Captain Catherine Mount

20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

“I can’t do it!”
Has this phrase ever gone through your mind . . . or consumed your thoughts?
“I. can’t. do. it.”
Dear one. Let me remind you today, that what the Lord has promised He will do. In fact, He is doing it right now.  He “is with us always, to the very end of the age.” Yes, that’s right. To the very end. You are not doing this thing called LIFE, alone! In fact, you CAN do it!
One of the greatest challenges to doing the Lord’s work can be loneliness. Our own self-talk can convince us that we are alone and UNABLE to do the work that the Lord has for us. Friends . . .  that idea is a scheme of the devil, a plot by the evil one.  Because of the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the HELPER, we are not alone. Our confession, repentance, and obedience to Christ creates a BOND, a companionship, that EQUIPS us to serve Him; to teach His commands to others, and to live for Him now and eternally – you are NOT alone.
When the devil tempts you to doubt the Lord’s presence – RESIST and RESPOND with the very promises of God!
When the devil says: “you can’t do it”, go ahead and scream into His face:  “the LORD is with me!”
When the devil says: “you aren’t good enough”, go ahead and claim this truth: “the LORD is with me!”
When the devil says: “you are alone, you don’t have the ability to do it”, go ahead and SHOUT the Word of the Lord: “the LORD is with me!”
Got it? The Lord is with you. This truth should motivate you to TAKE ACTION.
When you see a child who needs comfort – RESPOND! For the Lord is with you.
When you see a man who needs food – RESPOND! For the Lord is with you!
When you see a woman who needs a friend – RESPOND! For the Lord is with you!
You are equipped BECAUSE the LORD is with you – let Him use your gifts, your talents, and your will to partner in HIS mission. Dear One. The Lord is with you.
Where in the Bible has God done something He said He would do?
What else do you learn about God in that story?
List other scriptures that proclaim God’s promises.


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