Are you burned out of cooking the same things each week? Do you need some new recipes or meal ideas? Here is a great way to reach out to your Women’s Ministries groups, get everyone thinking, and help one another get through the mundane days of cooking at home.

Recipe Exchange

(Thanks, Captain Stephanie Senn for this initial idea!)

First, invite your group members to participate. This could be done through a post on your social media page, email, phone call, or sending something through “snail mail”.

Next, decide if you want to pair up or do a group exchange. If you pair up, your participants will only share their recipe’s with one other person, but have the option of rotating with other members for a set time period. If you share with the entire group, you could use this as a one-time group meeting.

Choose a date for when recipes are due. If you’re doing “snail-mail”, allow enough turn around time for all participants to meet the deadline.

Have participants each provide the following:

  1. Appetizer
  2. Main entree
  3. Dessert or drink

OR recipes for time of day:

  1. Breakfast
  2. Lunch
  3. Dinner

OR recipes by nationality:

  1. Italian dish
  2. Mexican dish
  3. American dish

OR a specific theme:

  1. Sunday Dinner
  2. 4th of July Cook-out
  3. Christmas Cookies

The possibilities are endless!

We also suggest that you make examples and take photos, if possible, to include in your sharing. It’s also suggested to include any dietary substitutions (eg: gluten free options) you may have.

If you are borrowing a recipe, give credit where it is due (eg: “Grandpa Hanton’s Breakfast Skillet”)!

Finally, decide how you are going to share with entire group. The “easiest” way is to meet via free communication platforms like Facebook Messenger Desktop, Zoom, LifeSize, Google Chat, Skype, or Google Hangout. For your members who do not use technology, you could share for them by collecting their recipes ahead of time.

You can also keep it simple!

Be creative but remember, it’s not rocket science. Simply virtually getting together to share one or two favorite recipes is great too!

These days, anything new is worth a try, regardless of what time of day or what meal it is! Have fun cooking and happy sharing!

God bless you!

