The Majestic Servant

By Heather Hanton

The Majestic Servant

Yesterday we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent. As you may know, during advent we remember Jesus’ birth and focus on a different aspect of the Christmas story. It is also a wonderful time to look ahead to the return of Jesus our King of Kings.

Let’s talk for a minute about the word majesty. What comes to mind when you think of something with majesty or something majestic? You might be thinking about kings and queens when we refer to them as “your majesty” or something worthy of honor or even worship. Maybe you’re thinking of something in nature like the “purple mountain majesty” as we sing in the song “America the Beautiful.” But mountains can be majestic, too! If you’ve ever stood in front of a mountain, you realize just how small you really are!

Other things in nature display God’s majesty…like the miracles of spring when everything is reborn.

Things of majesty require a response. We either know to bow in reverence or respect as with a king or queen or we are overcome by awe as in something in nature, which can lead us to worship God.

Of course as Christians we know Jesus to be majesty. He is the only true majesty that we worship. He is God incarnate.

Let’s look at some verses from scripture that refer to Jesus’ majesty or kingship:

Luke 1:26-39
Hebrews 1:3
Jude 1:25
Colossians 1

  • Image of the invisible God
  • First born of all creation
  • Thrones, dominions, rulers – all things were created through him
  • He has first place in everything

Jesus is truly the King of Kings, Majesty, Lord of Lords!

Isaiah prophesied him as Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

But how did Jesus first come to us? As a humble babe, born in a cave to a humble couple who were no one of any religious status or importance. In Luke 1 when the angel Gabriel tells Mary she will be carry and give birth to the Savior of the world, she responds, “I am the Lord’s servant.”

Jesus came into this world, born to a humble servant to be a humble servant. And that is exactly how he lived and it is exactly what he did.

Philippians 2:5-8

He left his majesty behind to serve us by taking on our sin and shame, nailing it to the cross so that we could have the forgiveness of sins and then raising to life so that we could have eternal life.

Let’s keep reading Philippians 2:9-11

Jesus is both servant and majesty! He is the Lion and the Lamb.

Hallelujah, for Christ has come and Hallelujah that is will come again!

As we celebrate this Christmas, reflect on Jesus as both our humble servant-savior but also as our mighty King of Kings!

Heather Hanton
Ministries and Media Specialist
The Salvation Army USA Central Territory
Women’s Ministries Department


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