USC Women's Ministries

Lent Day 17: Shame in the Garden

Genesis 3:9-13, Zephaniah 3:17-19 NASB Shame in the garden How does shame fit into ...

Lent Day 16: Sin – A Conscious Choice

The Sin The serpent’s strategies certainly were effective, and they led to both Eve ...

Lent Day 15: The Strategy

The Strategy In the Garden, we can learn about the enemy and his ways.  ...

Lent Day 14: Understanding the Enemy

Understanding the Enemy  In the very first verse of Genesis chapter 3 a new ...

Lent Devotions Day 13: Facing Temptations

Facing Temptations  1Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals ...

Lent Devotions Day 10: Gethsemane – The Garden Restored

Gethsemane – The Garden Restored Read this as if you are reading a script. ...

Lent Devotions Day 9: Eden – The Garden Lost

Eden – The Garden Lost Read this as if you were reading a script. ...

Lent Devotions Day 8: Night in the Garden

Night in the Garden Deceit crept into Eden.  Did Adam and Eve feel the ...

Lent Devotions Day 7: Created to be Fruitful

God created people to be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 1:28 of the text starts ...

Lent Devotions Day 6: God's Purpose for People

God created people to rule over creation. After the statement of 1:26 (“Then God ...