USC Women's Ministries

Young Adults, Mentoring, Titus 2 and The Salvation Army

“…I’m not sure. But I am sure that if we don’t succeed in empowering ...

Is There Good In A Bad World?

Ever felt overwhelmed by the evil in the world? If you sit and think ...

What IF?

There’s a new movement/concept moving through Christian community of women. It’s not complicated or ...

Church = Hypocrites

You don’t have to look far in society to stumble across a hypocrite. Humans, ...

H2o Success Story!

Here at CentralTerritorial Headquarters we hope you’ve began the H2O Bible Study or at ...

God's Love is Greater Than The Deepest Pain and Hurt

  What an awesome and appropriate video devotional from Major Danielle Strickland we have ...

The Salvation Army Serves at Sochi 2014

LONDON, 13 February 2014/ Salvation Army International Headquarters – DURING the past few days, ...

Obedience Is In The Air

I am so happy that a fresh boldness and obedience to the Holy Spirit ...

God Made, Even Us, To Be Kingdom Builders

Our Central Women’s Ministries Book Club just complete it’s first book, Jesus Feminist by ...

God/Religion is a Scam

Is there an unexplained desire and yearning in your heart? A void or hole ...