#saEmbracedevos Day 9 – Embrace His Timing

By Rachel Aren 350 words provide hardly enough space to write about all the ...

#saEmbracedevos Day 8 – Embrace Being An Example

Embrace – Being an Example by Lt. Betsy Clark 1 Corinthians 11:1 “Follow my ...

#saEmbracedevos Day 7 – Embrace His Love

Embrace His Love By Major Linda Vandiver Philippians 4:6 – 7 says this “Do ...

#saEmbracedevos Day 6 – Embrace Suffering

Embracing Suffering  by Ann Beaulieu 2 Peter 3:18  But grow in the grace and ...

Boundless 2015: Watch the Bound-Less Women's Gathering in London

“Bound-Less Women – a landmark women’s event at the 150th Anniversary Congress celebrations in ...

#saEmbracedevos Day 5 – Embrace Weakness

Embrace Weakness by Robyn Shanahan 2 Corinthians 12: 9 “Each time he said ‘ My ...

#saEmbracedevos Day 4 – Embrace His Plan

Embrace His Plan by Marcie Gothard Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I ...

#saEmbracedevos Day 3 – Embrace Freedom

Embrace Freedom by Lt. Amanda Keene Galatians 5:16-18 So I say, walk by the ...

#saEmbracedevos Day 2 – Embrace Relationship

Embrace Relationship – by Pilar Dunning Isaiah 55:11 (ESV) So shall my word be ...