USC Women's Ministries

Following God's Calling: Linda Faye Jones

It was a sweet day for the Territorial Women’s Ministries Department as we witnessed ...

Attention Young Adults! Interested in Urban Ministry – Check This Out!

      Mark your calendars for September 5 – The Salvation Army’s Urban Mission Center in St. ...

Twenty Tips For Small Group Leaders

Leading a small group Bible study can be a labor of love.  People cancel, ...

Family Conversation Starters

Ever find your family discussions center around the logistics of life? Who needs to ...

Small Group Conversation Starters

Does it ever feel like your small group or Women’s group sometimes don’t have ...

A Renewed Sisterhood By: Sarah Micula

 Please read this article, our own, Sarah Micula (Program Specialist in the Women’s Ministries ...

#BringBackOurGirls Our Role In This Rescue

It feels pretty helpless to be here with no tangible way to help these ...

Become Our Monthly Featured Pinner!

Follow us on our Pinterest Page and we’ll follow you back! We love resource sharing ...

And Our April Featured Pinner is……

……Captain Nancy Powers of the Chicago Harbor Light! We we drawn to her because of her ...