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Purity Culture Conversation Continues…

A recent post of ours called Why The Concept That “True Love Waits” Is Confusing ...

Evaluating Your Women's Ministries

Need a tool or two to help you evaluate you Women’s Ministries programs? We ...

7 Tips for a Drama-Free Women’s Ministry

I believe women are passionate, determined, strong and brave. And sometimes when we’re all ...


Happiness is fun, it’s in the moment, it’s temporary. Joy is fulfilling, it is sustaining, it is ...

God's Unique Calling For Each of Us

Do you ever feel overwhelmed when someone tells you that “God has amazing things ...

Following God's Calling: Linda Faye Jones

It was a sweet day for the Territorial Women’s Ministries Department as we witnessed ...

Attention Young Adults! Interested in Urban Ministry – Check This Out!

      Mark your calendars for September 5 – The Salvation Army’s Urban Mission Center in St. ...

Twenty Tips For Small Group Leaders

Leading a small group Bible study can be a labor of love.  People cancel, ...

Family Conversation Starters

Ever find your family discussions center around the logistics of life? Who needs to ...