USC Women's Ministries

"Everyone is Fighting a Great Battle"

“Every day, we’re given the choice to tell our real story or a story ...

Dreams of a Water Source: Papua New Guinea By: Major Curtiss Hartley

Kainantu is the Divisional Headquarters for the North Eastern Division, and it sits on ...

Free Resources To Help Respond to Human Trafficking

    The Salvation Army International Headquarters has recently created a website to provide ...

Why Did Christ Come?

“Sin may have damaged what God had intended, but Christ came to restore what ...

"My dearest family in Jesus…why are we so star struck?"

I’ve had Keith Green’s song, Create in Me a Clean Heart in my head ...

And Our June "Featured Pinner" is……

 Congratulations to Major Julie McDowell! Major Julie hails from the Heartland Division’s Champaign corps and ...

When There's Truth in the Criticism

Sometimes criticism is based on jealously, lies and rumors. But sometimes it’s based on ...